Ilya Shabanov creates and designs Websites and Brands. With an emphasis on real-estate and ReactJS projects.

Hello Human
I am glad you found your way to my website. What I offer here is an exquisite mixture of webdesign, technical consulting, full-stack development and an overall savvy solution to any branding related questions. I work a lot with real-estate clients and have gained a deep understanding about the specific needs of this niche. However over the years my clients included very diverse personalities, as for example a mechanic in rural Texas, a permaculture cooperative in Berlin or a high-tech industry 4.0 startup, to name a few.
Overall I try to see myself as someone who finds solutions to bring your business forward. Not just someone who makes websites with the docility of a machine, that is not what a solution is to me, that is not what “Thinking for you” means to me. My approach to my work and my life is based on a set of values, that I have compiled here.
Needless to say, that I would be delighted to hear about your project, so please don’t be shy in filling out the contact form below, or clicking any of these beautiful icons to the right.
What I do best

Real Estate Clients
With a series of whimsical coincidences I landed my first big real-estate client, David Borck Immobilien, in Berlin, which I have been working with since 2015. Over the years many more real estate agents and agencies crossed my path and went out with a solid branding and a shiny beautiful new website, business cards and most importantly a partner to rely on for future projects.
Like any other niche, Real Estate websites have recurring elements that provide me as a designer with a set of elements to start experimenting with. For example every client would like to connect their website with software like Estate Pro, OnOffice or PropStack to export their properties with one click. Done! Having taken care of it years ago, you can rely on my plugins to just work.
Another aspect is to understand the typical needs of a real-estate agency/agent. There are typical elements included almost in every real-estate page, like district descriptions, glossaries, timeline-like explanation of the buying or selling process, user stories etc. This breadth of experience makes me a sparring partner when you are trying to figure out how you want to present yourself on the internet, giving you examples as well as ideas, best practices as well as novelties.
I would be glad to chat with you about how we can kickstart your business online. Think about it this way, if your new website/branding helps to close even a single client, it was financially worth it for you.
What I can do for you

I build websites and I build them fast. Over the years I developed a whole system of plugins, frameworks, best practices and build chains to get your website launched in days. You can also rely on a sparring partner while conceptualizing your website.
Design is a thing that is dear to my heart. Granted I am not an illustrator but a good designer, even if you don’t need a designer you can benefit of a developer who thoroughly understands design, typography and aesthetics.
How do I work

Painting the Big Picture
Having worked for many years with very different clients from yogis to agents I decided it is time to sit down and think about what things combine it all and why I do the work I do. The result is a set of values I work and live by.
Empathy: Understand you and your needs.
Creativity: Express in unique ways.
Curiosity: Learn about your business.
Diligence: Get work done.
Experience: Compare, Expand and Conquer.
Magic: Make the impossible happen